Upscaling Partnership for Organic Agriculture (UPOAg)

  • Donors: BMZ, ADRA Germany
  • Budget: 1,600,000 EURO 
  • Duration: 3 years (Oct 2023 – Dec 2026)
  • Focus area:Selenge and Darkhan-Uul provinces
  • Beneficiary Partners: 31 cooperatives of Selenge and 10 cooperatives of Darkhan-Uul provinces

The UPOAg project aims for the primary and union cooperatives of Selenge and Darkhan-Uul provinces to establish a cluster organic supply chain management system from production to marketing to sell their organic and other agricultural and value-added regional products effectively to sustainably improve their livelihoods. As well as it aims to strengthen coordination structures at regional and national levels to develop impactful partnerships for creating an enabling environment for the development of the organic sector in Mongolia.


By the end of the project, the primary and apex cooperative union will build partnerships to initiate the transition to organic agriculture, thereby will establish a marketing system with production, participatory certification, processing, packing, and other value-added products from organic vegetables, honey, and dairy products, as well as “off-season products.”

Project outputs
  • The production of high-quality organic food has increased in the Selenge and Darkhan-Uul provinces.
  • Improved access to the sales market in Ulaanbaatar for organic agricultural products from certified organic farmers from Selenge and Darkhan.
  • Coordination structures at local, regional, and national levels are strengthened to support and promote sustainable organic agriculture.
Project outcome
  • 500 organic smallholder farmers in the provinces of Selenge and Darkhan-Uul have experienced a sustainable increase in income
