Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Economics Resilience (SAFER -2)
- Donors: Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB), ADRA Canada, ADRA China-HongKong, ADRA Netherlands
- Budget: 376,289.87 USD
- Duration: 3 years (2020-2023)
- Focus area: Ulgii, Bugat, and Sagsai Districts of Bayan-Ulgii Province
- Beneficiary Partners: 845 households (3887 individuals)
Increase food and nutrition security and improve the livelihoods of agricultural producers in Bayan-Ulgii Province.
Increase in the number of households with food and nutrition security and income as a result of improved backyard vegetable production using the permaculture method.
To increase vegetable production and income through improved gardening knowledge and skills with targeted households (HHs).
To improve nutrition status and utilization of garden production through more regular vegetable consumption and better cooking skills. Increase knowledge of home gardening techniques (using permaculture methods) among female and male HHs, confirmed via Master Gardener certification. Increase food consumption scores through improved household diet diversity.
In 2021, the Master Gardener Training curriculum was developed which includes 34 different topics using permaculture and Mittleider gardening techniques conducted through eight training sessions participated by 15 Master Gardener Trainers (MGTs) and trained 300 master gardeners (MGs).
Selection of underserved poor families including persons with disabilities (PWDs), single-headed households, and the elderly as cross-cutting themes with access to land and water to be part of the ongoing project expansion for Year 2. Criteria for beneficiary selection include families with very less monthly income (below 420,000MNT equivalent to 147USD/month).
Distribution of hand tools and vegetable seeds including the development and printing of cooking and recipe books and manuals were given to 240 cooking participants who were part of the three cooking clubs established in three districts.
Successfully harvested a total of 90 tonnes of vegetables equivalent to 195M MNT (68,000 USD).
SAFER 2 Project beneficiary partners are composed of 70 households that participated in the Annual Autumn Green Days 2021 exhibition initiated by the local government in Bayan-Ulgii to showcase and sell their agricultural and vegetable produce to the public.
The project’s participants were able to promote the benefits of backyard vegetable farming in the same exhibition. Home-gardening training using practical and theoretical methods such as the use of cold frames, seedling maintenance, soil preparation, and other vegetable growing methods for 30 MGTs and 300 MGs.